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(1 edit)

There seems to be an error resulting in an unfinished dungeon in the volcano ruins. Otherwise seems like a game i would love to finish playing. By the way it was the public direct release test vweion that i found it.

Thanks for letting me know! If you don't mind, could you give me a bit more information on where the error occurred? I won't lie it's been a couple years and I'm not sure where it would have happened. I'm glad you enjoyed what you played! 

Here is an screenshot i got of the area in question

Ah, looking at the event for that I see what went wrong. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I did that, but I also feel like I do remember playtesting it and it worked? Weird stuff.

I'll fix it and upload the fixed version. I think you should be able to transfer your save over pretty easily.

Thanks for letting me know!